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  .NET Developer
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Company: -   Superior Web Systems

Superior Web Systems is a rapidly growing online marketing and web development company. We are focused on working with medium to large size businesses and delivering top results in the industry.

Web Site:http://superiorwebsys.com/
Province:  Ontario
City:  Toronto;
Position .NET Developer
Type:  Contract
Available Starting:  15 November, 2007
Salary:  to be discussed
Job Description:  Positions Description
Superior Web Systems is looking for a .Net web developer for a contract position. The principal purpose of this position is to develop online applications and websites.


- 1+ years of experience in .NET programming
- experienced in working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CSS, MSSQL
- ability to slice web design using Photoshop or Fireworks
- high attention to details
- ability to work independently
Contact information: 
Name:  Michael
Email:  michael@superiorwebsys.com
Phone:  416-855-9993
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