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  Entry Level Marketing Position
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Company: -   Bond Marketing Group

The Bond Advertising and Marketing Group is a promotional advertising and marketing firm located in Toronto, Ontario. We have been servicing Premier clients in Professional Sports, golf, entertainment, and hospitality industries since 2000.

Web Site:www.bondadvertisingandmarketinggroup.com
Province:  Ontario
City:  Toronto;
Position Entry Level Marketing Position
Type:  Full-time
Available Starting:  24 June, 2008
Salary:  tbd
Job Description:  Bond Advertising & Marketing Group, Inc. is seeking an energetic and self motivated team player to join our team. We are currenyl hiring for Entry level marketing and sales positings. This oppotunity involves face to face sales presentations to prospective clients for Business to Business products and services. Our firm is proud of the relationship based marketing stratagy that we use to acquire customers for our high profile clients. Because of our client`s demands and our proven track record, we will have grown from one to four offices nationwide. If you would like to be a part of this fast growing company with high potential contact our Human Resources department at 416-789-2663
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