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The General of the Indeffinity from
University of Waterloo,
Main Campus wrote at
October 13, 2006
Send Link: http://studentsmetro.com/blg/blogDetails.php?blogID=196

Blog about Blogs

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It seems like the blogs are starting to be used. Since it seems like I`ll be in charge of technical side of the blogging @ www.studentsmetro.com I would like to encourage everyone to tell me what other functions and options do you want to see added to make you blogging experience an extremely positive one.
The General of the Indeffinity from
University of Waterloo,
Main Campus wrote on
December 29, 2007
Watch out
There will soon be a new design for blogs
John Edgar from
Georgian College,
Barrie wrote on
October 16, 2006
last.fm and flickr have a good API you could use to integrate them into blogs, that would be cool.
The General of the Indeffinity from
University of Waterloo,
Main Campus wrote on
October 16, 2006
As far as the flickr goes, we were planning to integrate our Photo Album with the blogs (BTW if you have any suggestions about that, Ill be happy to hear them).Now the last.fm is cool, but Im not sure if many people use it . I personally don , because I am not a big fan of installing SPYWARE of any sort on my computer, If I wanted to have my personal information to be available to anyone, I would use Windows. That was just an aside. I will put the last.fm, however, on my "Things to consider" list and if I do not receive any other requests I will most definatelly implement that.
Michael P. from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
November 21, 2006
Check this out!
Here what we have: http://studentsmetro.com/blg/blogDetails.php?blogID=215
Michael P. from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
October 19, 2006
Images in blogs
You should give an option to upload image into blog, and just display it after text for now.
The General of the Indeffinity from
University of Waterloo,
Main Campus wrote on
October 19, 2006
Re: Images in blogs
But how about making the option of linking a blog with a gallery. In that case you can actually browse the Photo albums and see if there were any new pictures added to any other blogs. And then have cross-links "Blogs" <->"Photo Albums". That will actually going to allow users to comment on somebodys gallery (which I personally wanted to do for a long time)
Michael P. from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
October 19, 2006
I think that option to add coments to galleries doen substitude blogs. Blog is something where you write your thoughts, or stories from your life, and galeries where you go to see nice pictures, and have an option to leave a feed back about what youve seen.
The General of the Indeffinity from
University of Waterloo,
Main Campus wrote on
December 29, 2007
Sounds Good
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