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John Edgar
Georgian College,
October 12, 2006
Asynchronous JavaScript and Extensible Markup Language
This site is ajaxtacular. I likes it. ...
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Seneca College,
February 16, 2007
Whoa-B - Dubstep Quickmix
Here`s some hardcore DUB for my electro-buddies :) A+ mix.
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The General of the Indeffinity
University of Waterloo,
Main Campus
October 13, 2006
Blog about Blogs
It seems like the blogs are starting to be used. Since it seems like I`ll be in charge of technical side of the blogging @ www.studentsmetro.com I would like to encourage everyone to tell me what other functions and options do you want to see added ...
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Georgian College,
October 12, 2006
bar scene
So a few girls that I worked with over the summer, (and i go to school with them) invited me out to the Roxx with them tonight! I haven`t had a good "girls night out in awhile" so I thought to myself "Hey, why the heck not!!" ...
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Seneca College,
King Campus
September 01, 2007
Email Fraud/Scam for those trying to sell their texts!
Hi All, I recently received an e-mail from a person in the UK who goes by the name of williams and uses the email ID: williamscharolete@uk2.net & he was enquiring about a book I had up for sale. Right away, I had a feeling something was up...
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Michael P.
Seneca College,
September 13, 2007
International Programmer’s day
September 13th - International Programmer’s day Congratulations to all colleagues!
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Seneca College,
February 20, 2007
Who`s gonna be next?
I guess by now everyone seen or et least heard about bold Britney...
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Georgian College,
March 29, 2007
You Know You`re Russian When...
This is some awesome stuff. Some of it is complete BS but some is SO true. Have a look...
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Jess Maier
Georgian College,
November 21, 2006
Caffeine - socially acceptable drug
My brother is in the ninth grade. Last week, the high school had a speaker come in to talk to the students about smoking and drugs. One of the things my little brother learned was that if he knows someone who is taking drugs or is smoking he shou...
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Michael P.
Seneca College,
December 03, 2006
Friends Management
Hello! New friends’ management tool is here. Log in to your account to check out this feature. You will be able to select which friends you want to display on your home page. Leave your feed back here! ...
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Seneca College,
March 22, 2007
World Down Syndrome Day
Did you know that March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day?
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Georgian College,
March 29, 2007
You Know You`re From Toronto When...
The top reasons to realize you are from Toronto and you`ve been there for a while
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Michael P.
Seneca College,
September 23, 2006
Site Update
Hi everybody. We`ve been online for almost a month now. Nice to see lots of people. Site is up and running, but we are planning on creating more features, and improve usability. I`m going to write here a journal of what we add to the site, so if...
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Jess Maier
Georgian College,
October 25, 2006
Gimmi my movie!
Just when you think you can settle down with a big bag of theatre popcorn to watch the newest chick-flick or thriller…there it is, a commercial of all things! Advertising, it’s everywhere. Movie theatres are no exception. I cannot believe the num...
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Jess Maier
Georgian College,
October 25, 2006
Fat knees...who knew?
I don’t really think my knees are fat but some fancy cosmetic surgeon would probably disagree. He would say that I would be much happier with skinnier knees. Well, maybe I like my knees...or at least never thought about having skinner knees. ...
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