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Alice from
Georgian College,
Barrie wrote at
October 12, 2006
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bar scene

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So a few girls that I worked with over the summer, (and i go to school with them) invited me out to the Roxx with them tonight! I haven`t had a good "girls night out in awhile" so I thought to myself "Hey, why the heck not!!" Well as fun as it was...They didn`t end up going to the bar until after midnight, and by that time i was too tired, not in the mood to go! So I just walked home...and thinking to myself..."I am way too old for this!! I`m only 21, and past the whole club scene, what the hell!!" Its kind of depressing actually!! I`d totally rather just go to a pub and talk and have a few drinks!!
Anyways...thats my thoughts for tonight..if anyone else can relate, PLEASE let me know! haha....
Gera P from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
October 21, 2006
honestly i hate the bar scene, i dunno just not my type of thing, id rather go to a club and have fun
Cyndal from
Georgian College,
Barrie wrote on
October 13, 2006
Totally Relating...
When I first came to college...which would be like two years ago now...I would go out clubbing with my friends, because thats just what we did when we all had some free time (and being in a Hospitality program...it almost seemed expected, being stereotyped as "out there"). All having just turned 19 or around there, it was also something "new"...and besides, I "love" going out and dancing, not much of a drinker. So basically I would just go for the atmosphere and to dance. Now...not so much. I guess because the main friend that would always go dancing with me is moved away now, so it doesn seem like as much fun anymore. So yeah, Im over the whole bar scene too, and Im also 21. It gets old fast. :)
Alice from
Georgian College,
Barrie wrote on
October 14, 2006
Thanks for the responses!! I feel a little better now knowing im not the only one out there :P haha.
The General of the Indeffinity from
University of Waterloo,
Main Campus wrote on
October 13, 2006
To be honest, I do not really know what a good "girls night out" (or did you mean "GOOD GIRLS night out"?) suppose to mean, but I will assume that it is the same as good "guys night out" only it probably does not involve getting pissed drunk and having a conversation about "how many HP can I add to my daddys 90-something Civic if I change engine mounts".I myself is not a club person, Ive never been one (not when I was 21 nor earlier, nor later). On the other hand, Boobchik (aka trancepower ) as you can probably guess from his nick-name likes clubs. Im pretty sure if hes ever gonna have a daughter, and if shes ever gonna get married than her wedding rehearsal dinner would have to be at someplace like Government or something. What Im trying to say is that no rules say that one must be a club person at certain age, and Im pretty sure that nobody has to grow out of it. And on top of everything, the fact, that on one occasion you did not feel like going out, means precisely nothing.Do not worry, Its not the end of the world: friday is here, you can go out tonight.....
Boobchik from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
October 30, 2006
I truly hope you e kidding about my daughter Georgie. I really do!!!
Alex from
York University,
Keele wrote on
October 18, 2006
HAHA Mr.George, I wonder if Boobchik will approve of your attempts to send his future GF partying at Guvernment... he knows what people do there...
Alex from
York University,
Keele wrote on
October 18, 2006
Daughter i mean...
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