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Shai from
Seneca College,
King Campus wrote at
September 01, 2007
Send Link: http://studentsmetro.com/blg/blogDetails.php?blogID=313

Email Fraud/Scam for those trying to sell their texts!

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Hi All,

I recently received an e-mail from a person in the UK who goes by the name of williams and uses the email ID: williamscharolete@uk2.net & he was enquiring about a book I had up for sale.

Right away, I had a feeling something was up, I follow my gut with a lot of things as most of us do, but I responded and told him I prefer my transactions to be within the Toronto Region and I hate going through the hassle of shipping it away and if he really needed the book, the better way was the paypal method.

The piece of shit completely ignored my paypal method of payment and told me about an "excess cheque overdraft "type of thing and asked for my full contact address and suggested that I withdraw money (appr. $80.00 for the cost of the book) and send the rest of the money to a friend of his via western union. Thankfully, I`ve a sane mind and no way in hell was I going to be doing this shitty transaction but I`ve washed enough Oprah and Scams on TV to know it was a real scam posted on : www.phonebusters.com. I`ve emailed them and called them to see if we can trace this sucker but for those of you who might not give much though to something like this. I say: PLEASE DO! dough is good, but not if you`re feeding these shitty people.

I`m pissed as hell right now, because it upsets me that these "good for nothing " people have managed to penetrate a site such as this which is a meeting ground for us students.

If there is an admin reading this, please try & do something about this.

Any questions? message me!
Good day everyone.

Michael P. from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
September 04, 2007
Those guys always find a way to annoy good people. Good thing we’ve got the power to ban them!
Andrew from
Georgian College,
Barrie wrote on
September 02, 2007
thanx for creating the awareness Shai. We have detected this message and have banned the user from our website, so he would not be able to scam anyone here anymore.Thanx again for the post
Shai from
Seneca College,
King Campus wrote on
September 01, 2007
Btw:Note error above: I *watched * enough Oprah
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