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Jess Maier from
Georgian College,
Barrie wrote at
October 25, 2006
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Fat knees...who knew?

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I don’t really think my knees are fat but some fancy cosmetic surgeon would probably disagree. He would say that I would be much happier with skinnier knees. Well, maybe I like my knees...or at least never thought about having skinner knees.

Did you know that people get liposuction on their knees? I didn’t have a clue that such a thing existed. Of all the crazy things on earth, liposuction for knees! I wonder what other odd places you can get this procedure done?
Michael P. from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
October 25, 2006
With liposuction you can “do sides and backs of the knees calves and ankles” as they say it. But why? I think that going to a gym, or doing a few exercises at home, will give almost the same results, and it’s MUCH better for the health!And I think that better looking person is not skinnier person, but the ones who are confident and happy about who they are.
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