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Jess Maier from
Georgian College,
Barrie wrote at
October 25, 2006
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Gimmi my movie!

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Just when you think you can settle down with a big bag of theatre popcorn to watch the newest chick-flick or thriller…there it is, a commercial of all things! Advertising, it’s everywhere. Movie theatres are no exception. I cannot believe the number of commercials and previews that are forced on the viewer. When I was younger, there might have been one or two movie previews before a show was played. Then Mr. Movie-Theatre-Owner added another preview hoping it wouldn’t be noticed. After that, there was another added and then another. A commercial or two has been slipped into the mix. All of a sudden, a person could show up to a movie late and still watch something other than the feature presentation. Did they think the consumers wouldn’t notice? Sorry to disappoint, but I noticed.

I went to see a movie last Tuesday. You should know that I hadn’t been to a movie theatre in about a year (being a college student really sucks the living daylights out of carefully hoarded pennies). Imagine my excitement at having enough time and extra cash to go to the theatres like a normal person. I bought popcorn and an iced tea. I even let the girl at the counter talk me into upsizing! Go big or go home. I’m going big. I deserve this.

I showed up 15 minutes early and found the perfect seat. Middle of the top-middle row. The seats were plush and smelled only faintly of pee. Good sign. The place had been cleaned recently. I sat down and waited. This was getting boring; I ought to have brought a book. The movie should start in two minutes. I wait some more. Ten minutes later, the lights dim. I look up to see a preview for a new movie. Looks like a good one. Maybe I will see it. Another preview plays. Fine with me, but I don’t like the looks of this one (I’m not a fan of horror films). Another preview comes on the screen. I’m getting anxious for the real movie to start. Then a commercial for Ford. What? A commercial in a movie theatre! When did this happen? I have been out of the loop way too long. Next on the screen was a commercial with some creepy talking beaver. Isn’t this normally played only on TV? How did the talking beaver end up in a theatre? Did he want more money? Greedy beaver. He is invading my movie time.

It went on forever. Preview after preview. Commercial after commercial. When will it end? At last, the feature presentation. I settle into my seat. By now, both my popcorn and extra large iced tea are gone. I have to pee. No wonder the seats smell like pee. By the time the show starts, people have finished their super-sized drinks and can’t make it to the bathroom. I start to panic. Why, oh why, did I get talked into upsizing?

In case you wondered, I made it to the bathroom on time. I didn’t even miss much of the show. The only thing is that I’ve been here too long already. I don’t want to see the movie anymore. How will I ever make it to see the end of the movie? I left the theatre. My butt hurts. It can only handle a certain amount of sitting.

It is understandable why they show previews before a movie. I don’t mind a few previews. How else will you know what new movie is coming out? Commercials belong on TV. Plain and simple. You can switch channels or hit the mute button if you don’t want to watch them. Are they not making enough money airing commercials on TV alone? Advertising already assaults us everywhere we look. It is in magazines, in elevators, on billboards and buses, on Mr. Smith’s car, on tee shirts and underwear, and even in bathroom stalls. Enough already! Can’t movie theatres just be about movies? I understand the need for previews, but I do not want to pay to see commercials. For goodness sake, don’t waste my time.
Andrew from
Georgian College,
Barrie wrote on
October 26, 2006
About commercials...
Hey i understand your dissapointment.The only way i can explain the commercials is that the movie theaters dont really make much money. Esp if you are in Barrie. Some theaters in Barrie are dert cheap so they have to make money somehow. Another problem for theaters is the radpid expension of internet services. Now a lot of ppl can get movies of the internet, even those that have just been released. So it all that impacts amount of ppl going to the theaters, forsing theaters do make money somehow.
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