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Boobchik from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote at
February 16, 2007
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Whoa-B - Dubstep Quickmix

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Here`s some hardcore DUB for my electro-buddies :)
A+ mix.
Aleks from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
March 08, 2007
Dubstep is meh
Any jungle/DnB mixes? Dubstep is a little too simple and repetative.
Boobchik from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
March 08, 2007
Eeeeh, I dont think I have any recent jungle mixes.. just vinyls (mp3 that is). DrumnBass is a different story, Ill look something up. Something fresh and dark :)
Pedro from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
March 08, 2007
Thats right!
I find jungle more fun than dub. If you know where to get some great MP3, let me know!
The General of the Indeffinity from
University of Waterloo,
Main Campus wrote on
February 19, 2007
I got to 6:04 on the timer. I cant take it anymore. This proves one more time that the only thing that a person can get from moving his/her hand up-and-down is an orgazm, and in no way music. I remember some of 8-bit Nintendo games had less repititions in the soundtack. This one is like "bass_note, high_note, scratchy_sound" over and over again. On the other hand maybe it sound so bad because of the recording... dunno.... If you have a normal recording of it then bring you car over, open the trunk and well take another listen to this..... :)
Boobchik from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
February 20, 2007
I agree, quality is shit.. However, dont say DUB is worthless until you hear it on good sound system with clear bass. Then you can say if you like it or not.. You probably wont, Im pretty sure, but its still worth a shot. So whenever youre in Richmond Hill, fukkin CALL me!!! And Ill show you ** T-H-E _ R-E-A-L _ B-A-S-S ** lol :)
Aleks from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
March 08, 2007
I believe Dub and Dubstep are different. Dont u think?
Boobchik from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
March 08, 2007
Ya youre right man, my bad :) Although I wouldnt say theyre completely different styles (depending which dub were talking about, experimental dub is more like it, ambient dub is not), but theyre not the same :)
Pedro from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
February 19, 2007
I agree quality is not the best, but overall is greate DUB, I guess only true "electro-buddy" can like it ;)
Michael P. from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
February 17, 2007
Nice mix!
Hey, if you got MP3 with this please gimmi a link. Thanks.
Boobchik from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
February 20, 2007
looking for it myself.. the thing is that this one ^ is just a demo mix, so this video is all we get for now.. I have some tracks from it tho, and Ill be uploading some (and some bomb mixes) in a couple of days, when my site is done. Ill let you know. But you DO need a good couple of woofers for the full enjoyment :D
Pedro from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
March 07, 2007
Hey, did you find MP3 with it? I need new music for my car :-)
Boobchik from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
March 08, 2007
no :(
Cant find it dood. If you want, I can upload some other mixes I have, which are not bad too.I actually wanted to do that yesterday, I already cut the mix in tracks, I just cant find the tracklist anywhere.. I deleted the original one by mistake. Oh well.. Give me some time :)
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