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Mauran from
Seneca College, Seneca@York wrote at
April 10, 2007
Send Link: http://studentsmetro.com/fun/articles/381/Russian_Color_Photo_Taken_in_1900

Russian Color Photo Taken in 1900

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These were taken in Russia in the early 1900`s. The Tsar of Russia paid to have them made. When these were made, there was no "color" film. The
pics are actually the result of taking 3 different platinum based photos using 3different color masks. When the resulting developed glass plates are stacked on top of each other and back lit the color image could be seen. There was no way to "print" color photos when these were made, so few people ever saw the photos. The plates were "lost" and then "found" sometime back in the 40`s and were purchased by the US library of Congress.

Modern technology now allows the images to be stored and viewed.

Click on the image to view the high resolution version

Pedro from
Seneca College, Seneca@York wrote at
April 10, 2007
Looks like digital photos. Some of new cameras doesn’t give this quality.
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