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Michael P. from
Seneca College, Seneca@York wrote at
April 23, 2007
Send Link: http://studentsmetro.com/fun/images/404/Do_not_worry_if_you_are_dumb…

Do not worry if you are dumb…

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I was looking for something on php.net site, and noticed that sign...

D from
York University, Keele wrote at
April 23, 2007
I dont get it
whats funny about this?
almost every begginer book has advanced feature shown saying dont worry if u dont get it, u will be the end of this book.
same like most classes start off by reading you the outline saying dont worry if u have no clue what we doing right now it will all make sence by the end of the semester.
Michael P. from
Seneca College, Seneca@York wrote at
April 23, 2007
This sign is not regarding just last example, it`s regarding the whole article about the do-while.
Michael P. from
Seneca College, Seneca@York wrote at
April 23, 2007
And this sign does not say "dont worry if u have no clue what we doing right now it will all make sence by the end of the semester." it says if you don`t understand at all.
The General of the Indeffinity from
University of Waterloo, Main Campus wrote at
November 10, 2007
Well some programmers do spend much time without using advanced concepts, however do-while is not advanced IMHO
D from
York University, Keele wrote at
April 23, 2007
ok here is the fix for u

do {
echo "i is not big enough";
$i *= $factor;
echo "i is ok";
Pedro from
Seneca College, Seneca@York wrote at
April 23, 2007
This is not about a given code Smile It`s about the whole do-while article Smile
The General of the Indeffinity from
University of Waterloo, Main Campus wrote at
November 10, 2007
Huh? I always thougt that loops are pretty much an essential thing for any Turing complete language.
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