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Linda M from
York University,
Keele wrote at
January 05, 2007
Send Link: http://studentsmetro.com/blg/blogDetails.php?blogID=223

Guess whos at the door...!!

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What if Jesus came at your door
selling you salvation, telling you it was tax free
with no GST Or PST including hidden fees
Would you see him come and lock your door, ignore his knocks and call petend to tune out the doorbells sound?
Or would you open the door only to ignore what he had in store as he stood there ready awaiting for your answer.
See friends although many of us say yes or imagine we would, the reality of the situation and our actions are not as true for he says " I knock at the door..."
He is knocking on your heart will you let him in?
Pedro from
Seneca College,
Seneca@York wrote on
January 07, 2007
I think everybody knows his own Jesus, and already let him in, or keeps the heart open for him.
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