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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results 1 
Jess Maier
Georgian College,
November 21, 2006
Caffeine - socially acceptable drug
My brother is in the ninth grade. Last week, the high school had a speaker come in to talk to the students about smoking and drugs. One of the things my little brother learned was that if he knows someone who is taking drugs or is smoking he shou...
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Jess Maier
Georgian College,
October 25, 2006
Skinny - a National Obsession
As a former anorexic, I get so mad when I see skinny models and actors on TV and in magazines. How can they expect us to look like that? I’ve tried, almost killed myself in the process, and still ended up with curves where I don’t want them. Women...
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Jess Maier
Georgian College,
October 25, 2006
Fat knees...who knew?
I don’t really think my knees are fat but some fancy cosmetic surgeon would probably disagree. He would say that I would be much happier with skinnier knees. Well, maybe I like my knees...or at least never thought about having skinner knees. ...
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Jess Maier
Georgian College,
October 25, 2006
Gimmi my movie!
Just when you think you can settle down with a big bag of theatre popcorn to watch the newest chick-flick or thriller…there it is, a commercial of all things! Advertising, it’s everywhere. Movie theatres are no exception. I cannot believe the num...
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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results 1 
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